Thursday, February 17, 2011


"Curiosity is the lust of the mind."
Thomas Hobbes
English Philosopher

Now for some funtastic finds :)

MissMix Tutorial - T-Shirt Bodysuit
(check out the rest of the blog!!)

I'm so excited! We have floor seats!!
:D March 30th :D

Korn - System

Here is a concert that goes on the wish list...

Touring US and Canada in May!!!

Look Six - An Outfit Safari
Beautiful clothes - going on the wish list.
Along with this :P :)

Origami Dragonfly
complete How-To
Project found at Cut Out & Keep

One last thought...

Yesterday I posted this on my facebook page:
"Once again on Parliament Hill there was a PETA demonstration by "scantily clad women". Dear PETA, how exactly does exploiting women contribute to the protection and ethical treatment of animals?!?"

I do not disagree with the protection and ethical treatment of animals. What I do question are these sort of tactics as a way of gaining attention.

1 comment:

  1. You're amazing! Thank-you so much for finding that for me. I guess I should have tired harder :(
    Thank you thank you!
