"I took the road less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."
Robert Frost
American Poet
One of my all time favorite films, and completely goo-goo-eyed for David Bowie.
Some pictures from today.
Gather supplies: - potting soil - jar/can/pot - plant clipping - small stones *optional* *if your container has a small hole in the bottom of it you can skip the stones* |
Dig a small hole in the center (about 1/2 the depth of the container). |
Place the 'open' end of the clipping (where it was detached from the original plat) into the hole. |
This is fun - Knit Tagging? I took this picture at the library. I have seen a few books and some online stuff here and there about "knit tagging" but this is the first time I have come across some :) Here are a couple sites/blogs of other people that are doing the same... http://nonaknits.typepad.com/nonaknits/2010/03/knit-tagging-the-pole.html http://www.flickr.com/photos/alexandrajones/4953884618/ http://baltimore-etsy.blogspot.com/2009/07/handmade-life-knit-tagging.html |
:( |
This is a clipping off a Hyacinth that I have planted and placed in our kitchen window. I think it may bloom and live on! :D |